The Meaning of Sons of Anarchy Patches
August 25,2022
The Sons of Anarchy patches have greatly influenced motorcycle culture, especially when talking about patches. The film has contributed a large influence on how people perceive their community’s contribution to society. The Sons of Anarchy film also emphasize the importance of knowing the meaning of patches used and worn by their members.
The Sons of Anarchy

The Sons of Anarchy premiered in the year 2008 early September, and it ended in the year 2014. It is an American action-drama series that has taken television by storm, created by Kurt Sutter. It portrays the life of an outlaw motorcycle club operating in a fictional town in California, the Charming.
The Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club was also known as the Reaper Crew. There are nine original members of the club who were named the First 9. Six of them are war veterans. Their MC club logo is comprised of a Grim Reaper holding an M16 rifle that has a scythe blade on its other hand and a crystal ball on the other, symbolizing anarchy. The Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club's colors are white and blue. And they have a total of forty-eight chapters in the whole world.
One of the well-known stars cast in The Sons of Anarchy TV series was Charlie Hunnam. He plays the role of Jackson “Jax” Teller. He was the Vice President role in the club and soon became the President. He discovered a manifesto by his late father - who was then a leader of the outlaw motorcycle club. By then, he started to question the ways of the MC and how he perceived the connections and relationships inside their organization.
Overall, the Sons of Anarchy is a story that goes around relationships, brotherhood, love, loyalty, redemption, and betrayal. The series also tackled a lot of vigilantism, racism, and government corruption and portrayed the MC club as an analogy for human transformation. It significantly shows as well the importance of patch symbolism in the MC culture.
What are Son's Anarchy Patches?
Patches are known to be a significant part of the MC community. It holds a different meaning, and it symbolizes a great deal to its members. That is why patches are considered one of the most imperative emblems in a biker’s possessions or gear.
The Sons of Anarchy emphasizes the importance of family and brotherhood portrayed in the motorcycle club culture. One reason why many are pulled towards the series. And drawn to the meanings of each patch that each of the members wears.
What is the meaning of the Sons of Anarchy patch?
•President Patch
This patch holds the highest position in the SAMCRO (Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Originals. It indicates that the wearer is the President and the leader of the charter or that chapter.
•First, 9 Patch
This patch indicates that the wearer is one of the first nine members of the motorcycle club. Thus, only the first nine founding members can wear this type of patch.
•Vice President Patch
Having this SOA patch on the chest means that the bearer is the Vice President of the motorcycle club charter or that chapter.
•Sargent-at-Arms Patch
This patch means that the one wearing is the Sargent-at-Arms of the MC charter. He is the one responsible for the protection and discipline within the organization. He also serves as the President’s bodyguard, always at this site to protect him whenever the need.
•Secretary Patch
The secretary of the club wears this patch. He is in charge of all the documentation, information, bookkeeping, and other documentary related to the club, along with the money and spending of the club.
•Road Captain Patch
Worn by the Road Captain of the club. The Road Captain is in charge of the route whenever the motorcycle club goes for a ride. He makes sure that they are all safe and that everyone joining is following their road discipline code.
•Men of Mayhem Patch
What does the patch of mayhem mean? Wearing this patch means that the wearer has spilled blood in honor of the club. Or that they have gone above or beyond the good to win for the club.
•Redwood Original Patch
These SOA patches are worn by those members that have been prospected by their mother charter.
•Charming (CA) Patch
This kind of patch is worn by Charming Chapter members. It is attached to the right side of the belt.
•Sons of Anarchy Patch
Wearing this patch means you are a legit member of the club charter.
•Unholy Patch
The wearer of this patch is a member of the club for the longest time. They have already sworn that they will fight until their last breath, all for the sake of the club. They mean to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the club.
•Prospect Patch
This patch is worn by the hopefuls of the charter. Meaning they are under probation for membership and are not yet official. They usually go with each ride but are not yet an official member. They need to win unanimous voting amongst the members to fully and officially be called a member.
Can I wear Sons of Anarchy Patch?
Patches are one of the symbolic elements of motorcycle clubs. Thus, it entails extensive responsibility and ownership for club members. The patch means so much to them. That is why there are rules and etiquette one must follow in wearing motorcycle organization patches, especially when you are not an official member.
However, in regards to Sons of Anarchy patches, there can be an exception. Wearing this patch would mean being a fan of the series and appreciative of its unwavering popularity. Sons of Anarchy is a fictitious motorcycle club but has given honor and has respected real motorcycle clubs. They have taken cues and resemblance from the real-life MC organization and even welcomed legitimate members of an MC as part of their cast.
In conclusion, anyone can wear Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle club patches but should take into consideration, still, the rules and regulations set by the legitimate members. All should give respect to one another.
Where can I buy sons of anarchy patches?

There are many avenues where you can avail of Sons of Anarchy patches – online or offline. One best place that would cater to your needs when it comes to patches is the 4inCustomPatch.
4inCustomPatch is a friendly and professional place where you can avail yourself of everything about patches. From the simple and regular patches up to patches with intrinsic design as well as customizing, they do cover the job. They have an impressive and up-to-date, all-professional ordering system website that assists their customers in the ordering process. It makes the whole procedure smooth and quick.
4inCustomPatch is of a high-quality standard, weaved like the original SOA patches of SOA. This is made possible by their well-experienced manufacturing team and highly professional design crew.
For further information regarding their products and services, check out their website!