Cub Scout Pacth Placement Guidelines 2021
March 18,2022
Scouting is very much enjoyable for the young or the young at hearts. It’s the type of activity that can be enjoyed with company, whether you’re with your friends or family. You can even help other people with the skills you’ve acquired from camping and being a scout. And human survival skills are often put to use in our everyday.
It feels upright to receive recognition from a series of camping challenges and activities. It’s like receiving ice cream from a hot day or salary after a long shift. It indeed gives an undeniable victorious feeling, much more if rewarded with a cub scout patch.
Are you a new boy scout or a parent to a new scout? Then probably, you have a series of inquiries, especially regarding boy scout uniform patches. If that is the case, then read on.
Why Wear Cub Scout Patches?
Cub Patches are insignia or recognition to cub scouts. At the start of a cub scouts’ journey, they only have primary patches on their uniforms. But as they progress, they gain cub scout uniform patches that they will proudly wear on their uniforms.
The different Cub Scout Patches imply their milestones and every achievement unlocked. It is, therefore, a symbol of their camping and scouting triumph. And as they gain many more cub scout patches; their rank progresses as well. If they attain a status higher than they were, it means another patch. A patch symbolizes the new position and therefore provides recognition to the person wearing it.
Where to place Cub Scout Patches?
Although it could be fun looking at all of the colorful patch’s children have on their uniforms, it can be complex if you don’t know where is the exact boy scout uniform patch placement. It is inevitable to know the different cub scout patch placement of each of these badges when you are a scout.
A. Right Sleeve Cub Scout Patch Placement- The American Flag is located at the very top of your sleeve. Usually, it is intact with the uniform from where you purchase it, but if it falls off or is not secure, you can always sew it on the uniform. Beneath the American Flag is the den number of the scout, they usually have 6 to 8 scouts in a den. Last but not least is the “Journey to Excellence” patch.
B. Left Sleeve Cub Scout Patch Placement- Along the seam, at the topmost part of your sleeve, must have your Council Emblem. Below that will be your Veteran Unit Emblem. Underneath the Veteran Unit will be your package number.
C. Left Pocket Cub Scout Patch Placement- The World Crest, which indicates that the Cub Scouts of America are part of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, is positioned between the left shoulder seam and the top left pocket. On the left pocket is where you can find the badges of rank, the bobcat at the top, bear on the right side, wolf on the left side, and the tiger at the bottom of the diamond.
D. Right Pocket Cub Scout Patch Placement- The Outdoor Activity Award must be located at the flap of your right pocket. You can also place all of your Summertime Pack Award on the right patch. If the scout achieves the Recruiter Patch, it is automatically pinned below the pocket.
E. Webelos Uniform Badge Placement- The Webelos Uniform Patch is situated on the left pocket. The only Cub Scout badge you can wear when you are the Boy Scout Arrow Light Rank which you can put below the left pocket.
F. Temporary Cub Scout Patch Placement- Yu can wear your Cub Scout Temporary Patch at the right pocket. There are many types of temporary Cub Scout Patches. These types include the following: Scout Sunday Patches, Scouting for food patches, Popcorn sales patches, Day camp patches, Pinewood Derby, Raingutter Regatta, and Spice Derby Patches.
Temporary Cub Scouts usually have loops so that you can hang them instead of sewing them into the pocket so that you can detach them easily.
How to sew on Cub Scout Patches?
There are many things to consider when talking about sewing cub scout patch placement onto your child’s uniform. Do you need to Iron them? Is it necessary to sew them? Do they ever fall off? Well, there are several options that you can choose to attach patches onto cub scout uniforms. Here are some boy scouts patch placements guide you can take note.
1. Badge Magic- A lot of people has used this to attach patches. In the United States of America, Badge Magic is rated 5 out of 5! This method proves to hold cub scout patch locations securely and would not peel off anytime, except if you peel them off forcefully, of course.
2. Hand-sew it- the most common and the classier one. You can sew it yourself, but if you are not confident with your sewing skills, you can always ask someone more of an expert when it comes to the sewing business. The prizes can vary from $1- $5, depending on the number of patches to sew. Of course, this will only be the case if you don’t know how to sew.
3. Sewing Machine- If you want to save some cash but also want to make things faster. Maybe you are in a hurry with your job or house chores. You can always use your sewing machine if you have any. But then again, if you don’t have one, maybe you want to stick with hand-sewing it yourself because a sewing machine is pretty expensive. They are under $50, but some are over $200. But it also comes with a good side. Especially, if you invest enough money to buy a good quality one, it makes things work faster, and your patches are sturdier and more secure.
Effective And Easy Tips To Sew Boy Scouts’ Uniform Patches
There are many advantages when sewing patches to the cloth. And here are some tips and easy tricks to do it like a pro:
· To keep the patches, look clean and aesthetic, you can just sew through the threads at the back of the cub scout patches instead of sewing it all the way through. It gives off the feeling of seamlessness and secures it at the same time.
· In sewing cub patches, use a thread with the same or similar color as the cloth where you will attach it. If you use a different color, it will not look good as it should be.
· Advisably, it is necessary to choose and keep a sturdy thread to attain a well-finished sewn output. These steps will keep your cub scouts feeling not worried his patch will fall off and will maintain his confidence all throughout any activity.
How do I get a custom Cub Scout Patch made?
There are many places out there that you can check out, but due to the pandemic and the rise of a worldwide health scare, it is fitting to just do a little online shopping when it comes to things like these.
4inCustomPatch® offers you a great variety of different good quality custom cub scout patches. We specialize in custom ones, which means that you can freely create whatever you want and we are in charge of bringing it to life!
With our professional customer service and design team, you can make patches in different shapes, colors, and forms. We can have it simple or detailed. We also do customize it in size, either big or small. Anything that you can think of. We also offer faster delivery which is very easy to navigate on our website. We also have a very fast and reliable ordering process.